Aldesoc, Asociación Latinoamericana para el Desarrollo Social del Conocimiento

Artículos y propuestas :: Educación

Songs of innocence

Madrid, 7th Otober, 2012

By Piedra negra

On Another’s sorrow

Can I see another’s woe, And not be in sorrow too ? Can I see another’s grief And not seek for kind relief ?

Can I see a falling tear, And not feel my sorrow’s share ? Can a Father see his child Weep, nor be with sorrow filled ?

Can a mother sit and hear An infant groan, and infant fear ? No, no ! never can it be ! Never, never can it be !

And can he wgo smiles on all Hear the wren with sorrows small, Hear the small bird’s grief and care, Hear the woes that infants bear,

And not sit beside the nest, Pouring pity in their breast ; And not sit the cradle near, Weeping tear on infant’s tear ;

he doth give his joy to all ; He becomes an infant small ; he becomes a man of woe ; he doth feel the sorrow too.

Think not hou canst sigh a sigh, And thy maker is not by ; Think not thou canst weep a tear, And thy maker is not near.

O ! he gives to us his joy That our grief he may destroy ; Till our grief is fled and gone he doth sit by us and moan.

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